help installing Inline::Perl5
2015-06-07 23:43:48 UTC
Newbie programmer...
Looking for a little help installing Inline::Perl5 on a Windows 7

Perl6 -v
This is perl6 version 2015.03 built on MoarVM version 2015.03

I'm getting the following error::

I tired installing using the command "panda install Inline::Perl5" and
panda install c:\inline-perl5-master

Get the same error below

C:\rakudo\bin>panda install c:\inline-perl5-master
==> Installing Inline::Perl5 from a local directory 'c:\inline-perl5-master'
==> Inline::Perl5 depends on LibraryMake
==> Fetching LibraryMake
==> Building LibraryMake
Compiling lib\LibraryMake.pm6 to mbc
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling lib\LibraryMake.pm6
Undeclared routine:
unit used at line 2. Did you mean 'uniq'?
build stage failed for LibraryMake: Failed building lib\LibraryMake.pm6
in method install at C:\rakudo/languages/perl6/lib/Panda.pm:120
in block at C:\rakudo/languages/perl6/lib/Panda.pm:1
in method resolve at C:\rakudo/languages/perl6/lib/Panda.pm:185
in sub MAIN at C:\rakudo\bin\panda:20
in sub MAIN at C:\rakudo\bin\panda:18
in block <unit> at C:\rakudo\bin\panda:77

Failure Summary
*build stage failed for LibraryMake: Failed building

Thank you
Brandon Allbery
2015-06-08 00:01:57 UTC
Post by RB
This is perl6 version 2015.03 built on MoarVM version 2015.03
Recent Panda requires a recent Rakudo; the "unit" change happened in the
last 2 weeks.
brandon s allbery kf8nh sine nomine associates
***@gmail.com ***@sinenomine.net
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad http://sinenomine.net